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Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation 741.09.FRE (1)

French drawings: masterpieces from five centuries: a loan exhibition organized by L'Association française d'action artistique and circulated by the Smithsonian institution. 1952-1953
Titre : French drawings: masterpieces from five centuries: a loan exhibition organized by L'Association française d'action artistique and circulated by the Smithsonian institution. 1952-1953 Type de document : texte imprimé Editeur : Washington : National gallery of art Année de publication : 1952 Importance : 64 p. + planches Index. décimale : 741.09.FRE French drawings: masterpieces from five centuries: a loan exhibition organized by L'Association française d'action artistique and circulated by the Smithsonian institution. 1952-1953 [texte imprimé] . - Washington : National gallery of art, 1952 . - 64 p. + planches.
Index. décimale : 741.09.FRE Réservation
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